- Leaving Teaching
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Are you a current, transitioning or former teacher? Got something to say?
Contribute to Leaving Teaching!
Leaving Teaching shares stories, advice and wisdom from those who’ve left the classroom—or are trying to leave the classroom. If you have a story to tell, tip to share, insight or opinion, send it our way!
We’re looking to amplify diverse voices and experiences within the teacher transition space. We publish posts that are roughly 800-1200 words in length (though we’ve been known to far exceed that). While we don’t shy away from strong opinions and research-backed arguments, we try to steer clear of full-on rants or take-downs. Our goal is to connect with and help teachers navigate the transition process.
Articles accepted will go through the editorial process; for those of you who aren’t writers, that includes developmental editing and copyediting. It will be a collaborative and kind process.
Unfortunately, we aren’t able to pay for articles at this time. (#goals) You’re welcome to use pieces published here for your clips or portfolio.
If you have a service to offer or something valuable to share and you are not a teacher or former teacher, reach out for a potential interview.
Ready to share your story?
Submit pitches and drafts to lauren [at] laurenquinn [dot] com. Please put “Leaving Teaching Pitch” in the subject line.
Looking forward to reading and sharing your stories!